In today's digital world, law firms must ensure rigorous safeguarding of intellectual property, client dataand other legal information as a crucial part of business strategy.
Under Principle 10 of the SRA code,regulated firms have a responsibility to 'protect client money and assets' and cyber crime presents asignificant risk to this.
As a result, cyber security is becoming a central issue for professional indemnity insurers and firms arebeing asked to demonstrate what protections they have against cyber criminals before they are offered PI cover.
This practical toolkit covers both the law and its practical application and will help ensure that your firmhas effective policies and procedures in place to deal with cyber security. It will help your firm increaseawareness of and be prepared for cyber incidents and the threats they pose, as well as how to preventand deal with them. It will also offer assistance to help your staff comply with all their informationsecurity obligations.
As well as advice on how to safeguard digital information from both external and internal sources andexamples of how to deal with issues such as information breaches in the workplace, it provides a numberof precedents and templates on CD-ROM to ensure that your firms meets all of the legal and regulatoryrequirements to protect your personal and client data, such as:-