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Criminal Injuries Compensation Claims 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781784460297
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781853288296
Published: October 2016
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £110.00

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Wildy's Book of the Month: November 2016

This is a practical and comprehensive guide to making a claim under the government’s tariff based scheme for compensating victims of violent crime. This new edition uniquely pulls together, in one handy volume, the original 1996 tariff based scheme, the 2001 scheme, the 2008 scheme and the tribunal rules that accompany it, as well as the latest 2012 scheme.

Divided into three sections - eligibility, assessment of compensation, and the procedural aspects of the scheme - this text provides a one-stop source of information for all those practising in this field.

Considered the definitive book on the subject, its key features include:

  • commentary on all the recent judicial review decisions
  • detailed guidance on the approach of the authority and the First Tier Tribunal to some of the more difficult issues of interpretation of the schemes
  • specific guidance on the approach to and calculation of an applicants’ losses
  • detailed summaries of relevant case law
  • practical advice on preparing, obtaining evidence for and presenting claims
  • detailed reference to the procedural rules, practice directions and the Guides to each Scheme.

This is essential reading for practitioners looking to improve their applicants’ chances of receiving the appropriate compensation.

Criminal Law
1: Introduction

Part I: Eligibility
2: Crimes of violence
3: Trespass on a railway, law enforcement activities and use of a vehicle
4: Criminal injuries
5: Family violence and other constraints on eligibility
6: Failure to report or co-operate
7: Conduct and character

Part 2: Assessment of Compensation
8: Assessment of compensation-injury awards
9: Compensation for loss of earnings and pension loss
10: Compensation for special expenses
11: Deductions
12: Compensation in fatal cases

Part 3 - Procedure
13: Jurisdiction, time limits and transitional provisions
14: Making an application for compensation
15: Seeking a review and time limits
16: Evidence and disclosure
17: Appealing against a review decision
18: The appeal hearing
19: Reconsideration and re-opening of final decisions
20: Further appeal routes
21: Administration of awards
