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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Elderly Client Handbook 6th ed isbn 9781784461294

Elderly Client Handbook 5th ed

Edited by: Caroline Bielanska

ISBN13: 9781784460228
New Edition ISBN: 9781784461294
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781853285349
Published: March 2016
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Life expectancy in the UK has been growing steadily. It is predicted that, by 2020, almost half the adult population will be over 50. In response to these changes, the concept of an elderly client practice has been championed by pioneers among the legal profession.

This book supports lawyers who have developed their practice to provide solutions to the legal and practical issues brought to them by elderly clients.

Reflecting the need of lawyers in this area to maintain an impressive generalist knowledge and keen problem-solving skills, the Elderly Client Handbook brings together an array of leading experts to present a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the relevant law and practice.

In particular, this edition has practical advice on the following recent developments:

  • Care Act 2014
  • Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014
  • Welfare Reform Act 2012
  • case law on mental capacity
  • revised forms and procedures for LPAs
The Elderly Client Handbook will continue to be an essential source of practical advice and guidance for new and experienced practitioners.

Care Standards, Mental Health Law, Wills and Probate
1. Capacity and best interests decision-making
2. Acting for the elderly client
3. The elderly client practice
4. Managing the financial affairs of the elderly
5. Legal proceedings
6. The elderly client, Society and the law
7. Community care policies
8. Services in the community
9. Commissioning care
10. Provision of health care
11. Health and welfare decisions
12. Mental health legislation
13. Social security benefits
14. Local authority support
15. Other financial support
16. Financial matters
17. Housing
18. Gifts
19. Testamentary dispositions and trusts
20. Death