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AI in Application: An In-depth Examination from the Legal Profession

Edited by: Alex Davies

ISBN13: 9781783583201
Published: March 2018
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (100 pages)
Price: £149.00

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AI is being touted as the biggest disruptor of legal services in living memory. Claims that “100,000 legal roles are to become automated”, and “robots will replace lawyers in the next 20-30 years” mean that the trend cannot be ignored.

In December 2016, ARK’s best-selling Robots in Law – a vendor neutral primer on what artificial intelligence could do in legal services was published. This was written as a snapshot of how things stood at that point in time. It was early days for AI in legal, so it wasn’t about implementation or adoption but about technological developments and possible uses.

A year later, this book focuses on how firms have begun to adopt and use AI, providing detailed insight into the different practice areas or functions that AI has been used to drive efficiencies.

The book is designed to help law firms learn lessons from previous implementations and consider which technology would be right for them to adopt.

Robot Law, Legal Practice Management
AI in application: case studies from the legal profession
Executive summary
Joanna Goodman, freelance journalist, writer, and author
Chapter 1: Teamwork, expertise, accuracy and collaboration – an award-winning AI combination
Kate Boyd, vice president of marketing, Kira Systems
Chapter 2: Preventative maintenance – how AI is helping reduce internal risk at Bates Wells Braithwaite
Peter Bennet, partnership executive officer, Bates Wells Braithwaite
Chapter 3: AI and Big Law – from ground zero to three AI systems in 12 months
Milos Kresojevic, founder, AI.Legal Labs
Chapter 4: Easing the pain of regulatory compliance with machine learning
Sondra Rebenchuk, PR and communications lead, Kira Systems
Chapter 5: Get legal – how automated legal documents will change the legal profession
Peter Bennet, partnership executive officer, Bates Wells Braithwaite
Chapter 6: Democratizing the law by utilizing AI to cut costs
Andrew Arruda, CEO and co-founder, ROSS Intelligence
Chapter 7: iManage RAVN and Keoghs – streamlining the process of handling insurance disputes
Dene Rowe, partner and director of product development at Keoghs
Chapter 8: How data is pushing the corporate legal department to the center of organizational decision-making
Karl Chapman, Riverview Law
Chapter 9: Overview of AI applications across the globe
Richard Tromans, innovation consultant to law firms at TromansConsulting and editor of ArtificialLawyer.com
Chapter 10: The future of law firms and technology – AI, blockchain, the Internet of Things and Big Data
Robert Millard, Director, Cambridge Strategy Group
Chapter 11: AI in application – original research
ARK Group