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The Lawyer’s Guide to Legal Project Management

Edited by: Edward Bowes

ISBN13: 9781783582761
Published: February 2017
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £239.00

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Effectively implementing project management has become a key ambition for many firms across the world. The interest project management has garnered from the legal sector is not surprising; the range of benefits it offers are extensive and impactful; including reducing costs, enabling more efficient commodity work, and creating more accurate budgeting forecasts.

However, despite the general consensus on its value adoption rates have been slow across the sector – only a handful of top firms have successfully implemented LPM into their practices, and are reaping the benefits. The slow adoption rates create a real opening for a competitive advantage through Legal Project Management, even at a basic starting level, as according to Jim Hassett even “glacial progress can produce new business when you are competing with firms that are making no progress at all”.

Featuring expert analysis on the form and function of LPM from leading industry experts, and case studies from top law firms on effective implementation and take-up, this title offers a robust overview of project management functions in the legal sector.

The Lawyer’s Guide to Legal Project Management includes:-

  • Case Studies from two leading law firms on the implementation and take-up of LPM.
  • A complete overview of the founding principles of project management.
  • Expert analysis on how LPM can directly support, and be directly supported by, other law firm functions; such as knowledge management.
  • Includes an overview on how LPM can be combined with process improvement to amplify benefits.

Featuring case studies from:-

  • Seyfarth Shaw on how LPM has made an impact of client services
  • Piper Smith Watton on encouraging fee-earner support for IT-based LPM systems