If you cannot demonstrate effective compliance, your organisation is at risk. This brand new report from Compliance Week and Ark Group explains exactly what you need to consider in your anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance programme. While there are other books on anti-corruption and anti-bribery enforcement, none deal as clearly with the "how" of doing business in an increasingly regulated market. Written by leading compliance expert Thomas Fox, this report draws on his experience, as well as on the views of both FCPA practitioners and commentators from other areas of business. This is your complete step-by step guide on "doing compliance". It offers you practical advice on building a framework for an effective anti-corruption compliance programme, including: Implementing clearly articulated anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures; Crafting a comprehensive code of conduct that applies to all employees worldwide - with information on what should be in the written basics of your compliance programme and how best to implement these controls; Carrying out effective risk assessments and due diligence checks; Monitoring and updating your compliance program; Managing compliance during mergers and acquisitions - making sure you don't "buy in" a compliance violation; Understanding facilitation payments, the differences between the UK Bribery Act and the FCPA, and what constitutes a bribe. These days, enforcement is tougher than ever before and all companies need to have an effective program in place. Doing Compliance is your guide to achieve this.