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A Short Introduction to the Common Law

ISBN13: 9781782549505
Published: September 2014
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2013)
Price: £32.95
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781782546375

Despatched in 3 to 5 days.

This book provides a short, accessible introduction to the English common law tradition, in particular to the civil process. It adopts an approach which explains the historical development of the common law institutions and procedures whilst also setting them in perspective through a comparative outlook.

Aspects of the common law are contrasted on occasions with structural or functional equivalents (or near equivalents) in the civil law. The key topics covered include: the English civil courts (and other dispute resolution institutions and alternatives), civil procedure, remedies, sources of law, legal reasoning, legal education, legal theories, legal institutions and concepts and legal categories.

In addition to textual description and analysis, the book makes frequent use of visual diagrams to explain and to illustrate aspects of the common law. Providing both an overview of the English common law and an insight into the legal mentality of common lawyers, the book will appeal both to first year law students as well as to continental jurists who are investigating the common law for the first time.

English Legal System, Legal History
1. Development of the English Courts
2. Development of the English Procedural Tradition
3. English Law Remedies
4. English Legal Education and English Legal Thought (1): Sources and Methods
5. English Legal Education and English Legal Thought (2): Academic Theories
6. Legal Institutions and Concepts in the Common Law (1): Persons and Things
7. Legal Institutions and Concepts in the Common Law (2): Causes of Action and Obligations
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