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The New EU Competition Law

ISBN13: 9781782259138
Published: December 2023
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £29.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509967100

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This book provides the first comprehensive account of the New EU Competition Law: an emerging understanding of the discipline that breaks from the consensus that emerged in the early 2000s and that leads it into uncharted territories. Competition law has undergone fundamental transformations in the past decade: from the rise and fall of the 'effects-based approach' to the challenge of Big Tech and the growing interaction with intellectual property. Making sense of these changes and fully grasping their implications can be difficult.

The book discusses the shift from traditional enforcement in the industrial era to the sort of regulatory intervention that a knowledge-based economy demands. It presents the changes that the field is undergoing (policy priorities, relationship with regulation and intangible assets, move away from efficiency and consumer welfare) and illustrates them by reference to the most significant developments in the field.

The analysis includes an up-to-date evaluation of the Digital Markets Act and discusses the application of EU competition law to key areas, including energy, pharma, telecommunications, and online platforms.

Conceived as a 'modular' book, practitioners and advanced students will find it useful as a map to navigate the underlying trends in the field and as an in-depth dissection of the key case law and administrative practice of the past decade.

Competition Law
Part I: Elements
Chapter 1: Towards proactive and policy-driven enforcement
Chapter 2: The rise and fall of the 'more economics-based approach'
Chapter 3: Competition law and regulation
Chapter 4: Competition law and intangible property
Chapter 5: The DMA as the expression (and end?) of the new competition law

Part II: Manifestations
Chapter 6: Energy and telecommunications
Chapter 7: Patents and copyright
Chapter 8: Digital platforms