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Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Individual Rights and Institutional Forms (eBook)

Edited by: John Jackson, Sarah Summers

ISBN13: 9781782258360
Published: March 2018
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This volume considers the way in which the criminal law's current focus on individual rights may constitute an obstacle to ensuring fairness in criminal proceedings. Scholars from the disciplines of law, philosophy and sociology challenge various normative assumptions underpinning our understanding of fairness in criminal proceedings.

The increasingly cosmopolitan nature of criminal justice forcing different legal systems to interact with each other as they attempt to combat crime beyond national borders has accentuated the need for systems to seek legitimacy beyond their domestic traditions. Procedural fairness expressed in terms of the right to a fair trial in provisions such as Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) has emerged across Europe as the principal means of guaranteeing the legitimacy of criminal proceedings.

The consequence of this is that criminal procedure doctrines are framed overwhelmingly in 'constitutional' terms - the protection of defence rights is necessary to restrict and legitimate the state's mandate to prosecute crime. Yet there are various problems with relying solely or predominantly on defence rights as a means of ensuring that proceedings are 'fair' or legitimate and these issues are rarely discussed in the academic literature.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Criminal Law, eBooks
1. Introduction
John D Jackson and Sarah J Summers
2. The Character of the Right to a Fair Trial
Stefan Trechsel
3. Autonomy and Agency in American Criminal Process
David Alan Sklansky
4. Innocence, the Burden of Proof and Fairness in the Criminal Trial: Revisiting Woolmington v DPP (1935)
Lindsay Farmer
5. The Right of Silence in England and Wales: Sacred Cow, Sacrifi cial Lamb or Trojan Horse?
Hannah Quirk
6. Seeking Core Fair Trial Standards across National Boundaries: Judicial Impartiality, the Prosecutorial Role and the Right to Counsel
John D Jackson and Sarah J Summers
7. The Role of Counsel in Criminal Proceedings
Wolfgang Wohlers
8. ‘Falling on Deaf Ears’: Looking for the Salduz Jurisprudence in Greece
Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos
9. Fairness and Expediency in International Criminal Procedure
Kai Ambos
10. International Criminal Procedure and the False Promise of an Ideal Model of Fairness
Yvonne McDermott
11. Written Records of Statements and Fairness
Nadja Capus
12. Regulating and Limiting Plea Concessions: Towards Fairness in Charge Adjudication
Richard L Lippke
13. A Fair Cop and a Fair Trial
Eric J Miller
14. Rights-Analysis in Addressing Pre-Trial Impropriety: An Obstacle to Fairness
Kelly M Pitcher
15. Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Concluding Thoughts and Further Questions
RA Duff