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The Law Making Process 7th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781782258070
Published: March 2015
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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As a critical analysis of the law-making process, this book has no equal. It has filled a gap in the requirements of law students and others taking introductory courses on the legal system for more than three decades and is now in its seventh edition.

It deals with every aspect of the law-making process: the preparation of legislation; its passage through Parliament; statutory interpretation; binding precedent; how precedent works; law reporting; the nature of the judicial role; European Union law; and the process of law reform.

It presents a large number of original texts from a variety of sources - cases, official reports, articles, books, speeches and empirical research studies - laced with the author's informed commentary and reflections on the subject. This book is a mine of information dealing with both the broad sweep of the subject and with all its detailed ramifications.

English Legal System, eBooks, External LLB Titles
1. Legislation: The Whitehall Stage
2. Legislation: The Westminster Stage
3. Statutory Interpretation
4. Binding Precedent: The Doctrine of Stare Decisis
5. How Precedent Works
6. Law Reporting
7. The Nature of the Judicial Role in Law-Making
8. Other Sources of Law
9. The Process of Law Reform