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The International Responsibility of the European Union: European and International Perspectives (eBook)

Edited by: Malcolm Evans, Panos Koutrakos

ISBN13: 9781782251033
Published: March 2013
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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How is the international responsibility of the European Union determined? In the context of the multilayered and ever evolving Union legal order, the Lisbon Treaty has introduced considerable changes to the Union's participation in international affairs.

These have rendered this thorny question an even more pressing concern not only for the European Union and its Member States but also for third countries and international organisations.

Based on papers delivered at the bi-annual EU/International Law Forum organised by the University of Bristol in May 2011, this volume brings together EU and international law experts to address the various questions raised by the Union's international responsibility. It discusses horizontal issues, such as the concept of responsibility of international organisations in the evolving international legal order and the different techniques available for determining responsibility.

It also focuses on specific policy areas (trade, finance and investment, environment, security and defence, human rights) by approaching them from both an EU and international law perspective.

Public International Law, EU Law, eBooks
Introduction Malcolm Evans and Panos Koutrakos

1. Attribution of International Responsibility: Direction and Control Christian Tomuschat
2. EU International Responsibility and its Attribution: From the Inside Looking Out Pieter Jan Kuijper and Esa Paasivirta

3. Self-Control: International Organisations and the Quest for Accountability Jan Klabbers
4. Approaches to Responsibility in International Courts Malcolm Evans and Phoebe Okowa
5. International Responsibility of the EU and the European Court of Justice Allan Rosas

6. Erga Omnes, Jus Cogens and Their Impact on the Law of Responsibility Christian J Tams and Alessandra Asteriti
7. EU Declarations of Competence and International Responsibility Joni Heliskoski

8. Responsibility of the European Union in the Context of Investment Eileen Denza
9. The 'Odd Couple': The Responsibility of the EU at the WTO Andres Delgado Casteleiro and Joris Larik
10. The Wrong Trousers: State Responsibility and International Environmental Law Catherine Redgwell
11. Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in EU Climate Change Law: A Case of Double Standards? Chris Hilson
12. Beyond the Either/Or: Dual Attribution to the European Union and to the Member State for Breach of the ECHR Enzo Cannizzaro
13. The International Responsibility of the Union in the Context of its CSDP Operations Frederik Naert
14. EU Foreign, Security and Defence Policy: A Competence- Responsibility Gap? Ramses A Wessel and Leonhard den Hertog Postscript to Chapter
12. Enzo Cannizzaro