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Human Rights and Refugee Law

Edited by: James Hathaway

ISBN13: 9781781009390
Published: December 2013
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes
Price: £650.00

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Refugee law is both conceived as a response to the absence of human rights, and is one of the most powerful means by which human rights are restored. This comprehensive collection of leading scholarship examines the strengths of, and challenges faced by, international refugee law over its nearly century-long existence. Following an original introduction by Professor Hathaway, Volume I addresses the questions of the political and ethical reasons that states have agreed to implement refugee protection in international law; the conceptual boundaries of refugee status; and the systems and structures by which refugee rights are implemented. Volume II takes up the nature of contemporary challenges to the refugee law regime, and examines leading proposals to revitalize and reform international refugee law in order to sustain its vitality in modern circumstances. This topical volume will be of great interest to researchers and scholars in both law and related fields, as well as to lawyers and other practitioners working on asylum and related human rights issues.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
Volume I Acknowledgements Introduction James C. Hathaway PART I THE IMPERATIVE 1. Michael Ignatieff (1993), Extract from 'The Last Refuge' 2. Hannah Arendt (1966), Extract from 'The Decline of the Nation-State and the End of the Rights of Man' 3. Matthew J. Gibney (1999), 'Liberal Democratic States and Responsibilities to Refugees' PART II CONCEPTUAL BOUNDARIES 4. Matthew E. Price (2009), 'Recovering Asylum's Political Roots' 5. David A. Martin (1991), 'The Refugee Concept: On Definitions, Politics, and the Careful Use of a Scarce Resource' 6. Penelope Mathew (2010) 'Limiting Good Faith: "Bootstrapping" Asylum Seekers and Exclusion from Refugee Protection' 7. Audrey Macklin (1995), 'Refugee Women and the Imperative of Categories' 8. Deborah E. Anker (2002), 'Refugee Law, Gender, and the Human Rights Paradigm' 9. Catherine Dauvergne and Jenni Millbank (2010), 'Forced Marriage as a Harm in Domestic and International Law' 10. Kristen Walker (2003), 'New Uses of the Refugees Convention: Sexuality and Refugee Status' 11. Karen Musalo (2004), 'Claims for Protection Based on Religion or Belief' 12. Jennifer Moore (2001), 'Whither the Accountability Theory: Second-Class Status for Third-Party Refugees as a Threat to International Refugee Protection' 13. Hugo Storey and Rebecca Wallace (2001), 'War and Peace in Refugee Law Jurisprudence' 14. Susan Akram (2001), 'Reinterpreting Palestinian Refugee Rights Under International Law' 15. Jane McAdam (2006), 'Seeking Asylum Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Case for Complementary Protection' 16. Micah Bond Rankin (2005), 'Extending the Limits or Narrowing the Scope? Deconstructing the OAU Refugee Definition Thirty Years On' 17. T. Alexander Aleinikoff (1994), 'From "Refugee Law" to the "Law of Coerced Migration"' PART III SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES 18. Louise W. Holborn (1938), 'The Legal Status of Political Refugees, 1920 - 1938' 19. Gil Loescher and James Milner (2011), 'UNHCR and the Global Governance of Refugees' 20. Marjoleine Zieck (1998), 'UNHCR's "Special Agreements"' 21. Michael Kagan (2006), 'The Beleaguered Gatekeeper: Protection Challenges Posed by UNHCR Refugee Status Determination' 22. Jacqueline Bhabha (2002), 'Internationalist Gatekeepers?: The Tension Between Asylum Advocacy and Human Rights' 23. Sir Stephen Sedley (2002), 'Asylum: Can the Judiciary Maintain its Independence?' 24. Peter Showler (2006), 'And Nothing but the Truth' 25. Walter Kalin (1986), 'Troubled Communication: Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings in the Asylum-Hearing' 26. Hilary Evans Cameron (2010), 'Refugee Status Determination and the Limits of Memory' 27. Helene Lambert (2009), 'Transnational Judicial Dialogue, Harmonization and the Common European Asylum System' Volume II Acknowledgements An Introduction by the editor appears in volume I PART I PROTECTION IN FLUX 1. Atle Grahl-Madsen (1966), 'The European Tradition of Asylum and the Development of Refugee Law' 2. Deborah Perluss and Joan F. Hartman (1985-1986), 'Temporary Refugee: Emergence of a Customary Norm' 3. Kay Hailbronner (1985-1986), 'Non-Refoulement and "Humanitarian" Refugees: Customary International Law or Wishful Legal Thinking?' 4. Guy S. Goodwin-Gill (1986), 'Non-Refoulement and the New Asylum Seekers' 5. Gervase Coles (1989), 'Approaching the Refugee Problem Today' 6. B.S. Chimni (2004), 'From Resettlement to Involuntary Repatriation: Towards a Critical History of Durable Solutions to Refugee Problems' 7. Andrew Shacknove (1993), 'From Asylum to Containment' 8. Bill Frelick (1995), 'Safe Haven: Safe for Whom?' 9. Mikhael Barutciski (1996), 'The Reinforcement of Non-Admission Policies and the Subversion of UNHCR: Displacement and Internal Assistance in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992 - 94)' 10. Merrill Smith (2004), 'Warehousing Refugees: A Denial of Rights, a Waste of Humanity' 11. Barbara Harrell-Bond (1999), 'The Experience of Refugees as Recipients of Aid' 12. Ben Saul (2008), 'Protecting Refugees in the Global "War on Terror"' 13. Jens Vedsted-Hansen (1999), 'Non-Admission Policies and the Right to Protection: Refugees' Choice versus States' Exclusion' 14. Rosemary Byrne (2003), 'Harmonization and Burden Redistribution in the Two Europes' 15. Michelle Foster (2007), 'Protection Elsewhere: The Legal Implications of Requiring Refugees to Seek Protection in Another State' 16. Gregor Noll (2003), 'Visions of the Exceptional: Legal and Theoretical Issues Raised by Transit Processing Centres and Protection Zones' 17. Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (2010), 'Growing Barriers: International Refugee Law' PART II REVITALIZING AND REFORMING 18. Jack I. Garvey (1985), 'Toward a Reformulation of International Refugee Law' 19. James C. Hathaway and R. Alexander Neve (1997), 'Making International Refugee Law Relevant Again: A Proposal for Collectivized and Solution-Oriented Protection' 20. Jason Pobjoy (2010), 'Treating Like Alike: The Principle of Non-Discrimination as a Tool to Mandate the Equal Treatment of Refugees and Beneficiaries of Complementary Protection' 21. Alexander Betts (2010), 'Survival Migration: A New Protection Framework'