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The Political Economy of Competition Law in Asia

Edited by: Mark Williams

ISBN13: 9781781001677
Published: June 2013
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £139.00

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This detailed book describes and analyses the essential political economy features that provide the backdrop to the competition policies and competition law regimes of several of the most important Asian economies. The book also discusses the impact of these political economy influences in determining whether the adopted competition policy is effective. Each of the authors - experts in their respective countries - offer specific insights into the nature and structure of their competition regimes and discuss to what extent the varied political economy factors unique to that country help to determine whether and to what extent the established system promotes or hinders economic competition in that jurisdiction. Comprising wide coverage of Asian jurisdictions, including Australia, this book will strongly appeal to students and academics of law, politics, economics and economic development, policy makers in national governments, international agencies and competition authorities, as well as practicing competition lawyers and in-house counsel.

Competition Law, Other Jurisdictions , Asia
1. Introduction Mark Williams
2. Japan Toshiaki Takigawa
3. Korea Jaemin Lee
4. China Mark Williams
5. Vietnam David Fruitman
6. Philippines Mark Williams and Ruby Ann Jalit
7. Malaysia and Singapore May Fong Cheong and Yin Harn Lee
8. Thailand R. Ian McEwin, Sakda Thanitcul
9. Indonesia Ningrum Sirait
10. India Pradeep S. Mehta
11. Australia Deborah Healey
12. Australia - Regulatory's Perspective Allan Fels
13. Conclusion Mark Williams