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Standard Business Contracts

ISBN13: 9781780688930
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Intersentia Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £185.00

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Business has become more international and as a consequence Belgian business contracts are increasingly being concluded in English. This reference book brings together a number of contracts that are governed by Belgian law but drafted in English. Each model is preceded by a short introduction summarizing the most salient provisions of Belgian law relevant to that particular contract Also, in most models, different options and alternative wording are included. The templates in this book will serve as a useful guidance for drafting a number of contracts and clauses under Belgian business law.

European Jurisdictions, Belgium
Asset Purchase Agreement
Assignment of Receivables
Bailment Agreement
Commercial Agency Agreement
Commissionaire Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement (Mutual)
Consignment Agreement
Contract Manufacturing Agreement
Current Account Agreement
Distribution Agreement
Escrow Agreement
Franchise Agreement
Guarantee Agreement
Joint Venture Agreement
Lease Agreement
Letter of Comfort
Letter of Intent
Loan Agreement
Non-Disclosure Agreement (One-directional)
Outsourcing Agreement
Power of Attorney
Purchase Agreement
Road Transport and Delivery Services Agreement
Services Agreement
Settlement Agreement
Share Purchase Agreement
Shareholders’ Agreement
Technology Licence Agreement
Toll Manufacturing Agreement
Trademark Licence Agreement

Lexicon English – Dutch – French
Lexicon Dutch – English
Lexicon French – English