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The UK after Brexit: Legal and Policy Challenges

ISBN13: 9781780684710
Published: July 2017
Publisher: Intersentia Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £29.00

Despatched in 14 to 16 days.

The UK after Brexit is the result of a cooperation between a group of leading academics from top institutions in the UK and beyond.

It offers students, practitioners and scholars an authoritative, informative and thought-provoking series of analyses of some of the key challenges facing the UK legal system in and through the process of ‘de-Europeanisation’ – that is, in and through ‘Brexit’.

It provides discursive exploration of key issues and themes for reflection and debate within multiple areas of law, broadly divided into three main areas of interest:-

  • constitutional concerns such as the relationship between Parliament and the Executive, the relevance of devolution, and the impact on the courts;
  • substantive topics including employment law, environmental law, financial services, intellectual property, and criminal cooperation;
  • issues regarding the UK’s external relations, for example its relations with the EU, membership of the World Trade Organisation, ingredients for creating UK trade policy and bilateral investment policy, and international security (the UN, NATO and more).
The structure of this work is specifically designed to offer the clearest presentation of these analyses and constitute a critical, comprehensive resource on the effects of de-Europeanisation on the UK legal system. These analyses will remain relevant over time – not only as the withdrawal process unfolds, but well into the future as the UK reorientates its legal system to new internal and external realities.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, EU Law, Brexit
Editor's Introduction

Part I. Constitutional Issues
Chapter 1. Brexit: The Relationship between the UK Parliament and the UK Goverment
Chapter 2. Devolution
Chapter 3. The 'Brexit' Threat to the Northern Irish Border: Clarifying the Constitutional Framework
Chapter 4. Brexit and UK Courts: awaiting Fresh Instruction

Part II. Substantive Policies
Chapter 5. Brexit and Employment Law
Chapter 6. UK Environmental Law Post-Brexit
Chapter 7. Extracting the UK from EU Financial Services Governance: Regulotary Recasting or Shadowing from a Distance?
Chapter 8. Intellectual Property Law and the Brexit: A Retreat or a Reaffirmation of Jurisdiction?
Chapter 9. May We Stay? Assessing the Security of Residence for EU Citizens Living in the UK
Chapter 10. Cross- Border Criminal Cooperation after Brexit

Part III. External Relations
Chapter 11. Membership of the World Trade Organization
Chapter 12. UK Trade Policy
Chapter 13. UK Foreign Investment Protection Policy Post-Brexit
Chapter 14. Brexit and International Peace and Security: A Crisis for Crisis Management?
Chapter 15. Brexit and Relations between the EU and the UK