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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Introduction to South Pacific Law 5th ed isbn 9781839702914

Introduction to South Pacific Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781780684123
New Edition ISBN: 9781839702914
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781845680398
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Intersentia Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The only book of its kind, Introduction to South Pacific Law provides an overview of law in the South Pacific. It sets out the framework of South Pacific legal systems and also describes the substantive law on a broad range of topics.

Examining both state laws and customary law, the book highlights common patterns and explains some of the principal differences between the laws and legal systems of the countries of the region.

The introductory chapter looks at the development of South Pacific law and at South Pacific jurisprudence.

Individual chapters are devoted to state laws, customary law, constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, family law, contract law, torts law, land law, and court system. The book makes extensive reference to legislative provisions and case law of individual jurisdictions.

Including a discussion of recent changes in the law, this new edition of Introduction to South Pacific Law is a useful and up-to-date resource for all those interested in the law of the region.

Other Jurisdictions , Pacific Islands
Chapter 1. South Pacific law and jurisprudence (p.
Chapter 2. State laws (p.
Chapter 3. Customary law (p.
Chapter 4. Constitutional law (p.
Chapter 5. Administrative law (p.
Chapter 6. Criminal law (p.
Chapter 7. Family law (p.
Chapter 8. Contract law (p.
Chapter 9. Torts law (p.
Chapter 10. Land law (p.
Chapter 11. State courts (p.
Glossary, Index (p.