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Introduction to Belgian Labour Law

Edited by: Patrick Humblet, Marc Rigaux

ISBN13: 9781780684093
Published: August 2016
Publisher: Intersentia Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £71.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

This book gives an overall picture of the principles of Belgian labour law, i.e. employment law as well as industrial relations law. It is intended for all those who want to become acquainted with Belgian labour law including foreign law firms, entrepreneurs who want to invest in Belgium, etc. For this reason the book focuses on topics that are of practical relevance.

The authors not only describe and analyse the legal aspects of labour relations, but also indicate developing trends in Belgium. The book provides an up-to-date survey of the legislation that is both sufficiently detailed and usefully brief to answer most questions likely to arise in a legal setting.

The authors describe all important details of the law governing working hours and wages, benefits, trade union activity, employers’ associations, collective bargaining, industrial disputes, and much more.

Building on a clear overview of labour law and industrial relations, the book offers practical guidance on which sound decisions in the labour law context may be based.

European Jurisdictions, Belgium
I. The Contract of Employment
II. Concluding the Contract
III. Employment
IV. Termination of Employment
V. Special and Deviating Types of Employment Contracts

I. Freedom of Association
II. Trade Unions and Employers' Associations
III. Instruments for Social Dialogue
IV. Funds for Social Security
V. Industrial Action
In Cauda

General Bibliography