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Critical Perspectives in Transitional Justice

Edited by: Nicola Palmer, Phil Clark, Danielle Granville

ISBN13: 9781780680354
Published: April 2012
Publisher: Intersentia Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

In the last 20 years, the field of transitional justice has gone from being a peripheral concern to a ubiquitous feature of societies recovering from mass conflict or repressive rule. In both policy and scholarly realms, transitional justice has proliferated rapidly with ever-increasing variety in terms of practical processes and analytical approaches. The sprawl of transitional justice, however, has not always produced concepts and practices that are theoretically sound and grounded in the empirical realities of the societies in question.

Critical Perspectives in Transitional Justice takes stock of this burgeoning field and, in gathering the views of scholars and practitioners from a wide range of national and methodological backgrounds, explores four key concerns with current trends in transitional justice: the under-theorization of the field, its disconnect from core academic disciplines, its tendency towards advocacy rather than analysis, and its emphasis on technical institutional responses without clear articulations of their objectives. This vital book - edited by Oxford Transitional Justice Research - is designed to deepen theoretical and empirical discussions within transitional justice by providing critical perspectives on common concepts, issues, methodologies, institutions, and mechanisms. Its clarifies key terms, challenges core assumptions, and highlights important tensions, inconsistencies, and disagreements in the field, with the ultimate aim of harnessing the enormous energy of transitional justice for more fruitful ends. The breadth of the debates highlight the scope, inclusiveness, and ambition of this field, but also underscore that - despite its geographical, conceptual, and disciplinary expanse - consistent questions will arise regarding contextually appropriate objectives, the balance between individual and collective needs and interests, and securing the legitimacy of transitional processes among those affected by past violations.