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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Bloomsbury Professional Tax Guide 2016/17 isbn 9781784513887

The Bloomsbury Professional Tax Guide 2015/16

ISBN13: 9781780437798
New Edition ISBN: 9781784513887
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781780434216
Published: November 2015
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Bloomsbury Professional Tax Guide 2015/16 provides an overview of all major UK taxes in one convenient volume.

Written in a highly practical and accessible style, it helps the reader to identify and understand the key tax issues they are likely to encounter when dealing with UK taxation. This comprehensive title covers income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax and inheritance tax, as well as trusts and estates, VAT, National Insurance contributions, financial reporting and HMRC powers and penalties.

The Bloomsbury Professional Tax Guide 2015/16 is up to date to the Finance Act (No 2) 2015 and includes coverage of the impact of the 2015 Summer Budget. It covers issues such as:-

  • Changes to the taxation of dividends
  • Changes to employment expense and benefit rules and the abolition of dispensations
  • Changes to trusts regarding 10-year and exit charges Changes to the rules on domicile
  • Changes to entrepreneurs' relief
  • Changes to HMRC powers to recover debts and to increase penalties for offshore evasion
This annual guide has a user-friendly structure and aims to make key information easy to find and assimilate. 'Signposts' at the beginning of each chapter provide a useful summary of the main points and cross-reference to the relevant commentary. 'Focus' points highlight important issues in each chapter.

Part 1: Income tax:
Income tax - outline
Share incentives
Pensions, state benefits, tax credits
Savings and investments
Land and property
Allowances, reliefs and deductions
Other income, etc
Income tax planning

Part 2: Capital gain tax:
CGT - outline
Particular assets and situations
Planning and other issues

Part 3: Corporation tax:
Corporation tax - outline
Close companies
Corporation tax computation
Trading companies
Investment companies
Company losses (single company)
Groups of companies
Foreign matters
Particular matters
Corporation tax planning

Part 4: Inheritance tax:
IHT - outline
Reliefs and exemptions, etc
Lifetime transfers
IHT on death
IHT and trusts
IHT planning

Part 5: Trusts and estates:
Trusts and estates - outline
Income tax and trusts
CGT and trusts
IHT and trusts

Part 6: VAT:
VAT - outline
Registration and deregistration
Imports and exports
Special VAT schemes
Other VAT matters
VAT planning

Part 7: National insurance contributions:
Employers and employees
Class 3 NIC
NIC planning

Part 8: Stamp duties:
Stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax

Part 9: HMRC powers, penalties, etc:
HMRC powers, penalties, etc - outline
Filing of forms
HMRC enquiries, discovery, etc
Payment of tax
Interest and penalties
Time limits for claims, elections, etc
Record keeping
HMRC inspections

Part 10: Leaving or arriving in the UK:
Residence, ordinary residence and domicile
Taxation of individuals not resident in the UK, or not domiciled in the UK
The remittance basis
Double taxation relief.