Tax Advisers' Guide to Trusts 5th ed
ISBN13: 9781780436081
Published: February 2016
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Tax Advisers' Guide to Trusts, 5th ed demystifies the complex subject of trusts by explaining relevant tax rules and the way in which trusts can be used in practice in a context of uncertainty.
Examples and case studies are used to supplement and illustrate the text, providing practical guidance throughout. This is a comprehensive treatment of the subject that includes coverage of:-
- The history and nature of trusts
- The formalities required within the system Relevant trust legislation
- The powers and duties of trustees
- An explanation of the importance of residence and domicile
- The main taxation rules relating to trusts
To provide further in-depth analysis, the fifth edition also covers: the rules relating to relevant property trusts; bare trusts; interest in possession trusts; trusts for children and young adults; foreign trusts; charitable trusts; purpose and heritage trusts and foundations; protective and vulnerable persons trusts; asset protection and employee trusts; a discussion of wills, will trusts, statutory trusts and trusts of land and pension funds; and an explanation of the completion of trust tax returns.
Fully updated to take account of the many changes which have taken place since the last edition, Tax Advisers' Guide to Trusts, 5th ed examines all the main trust legislation, including changes up to and including the Finance (No. 2) Act 2015, as well as the introduction of FATCA reporting to HMRC and registration with the IRS.