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A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Intellectual Property Law in Ireland 5th ed isbn 9781526532138

Intellectual Property Law in Ireland 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781780435411
New Edition ISBN: 9781526532138
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847663665
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional (Ireland)
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Hardback
Price: £230.00

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

Intellectual Property Law in Ireland, 4th edition is a detailed guide to patents, copyright and trademark law. It covers all relevant European legislation and traces its weaving into Irish law.

It details European case law together with relevant case law from commonwealth countries, as well as detailing any Irish cases on the three areas and also covers design law. It outlines the workings of the patents, copyright and trademark offices in Ireland.

It is laid out in a practical and user-friendly way, with each section separate, but cross-referenced where necessary.

Irish Law
Patents: A Brief History and Introduction
The Irish Patent System and International Conventions
The Patents Act 1992 - Patentability
Patents Act 1992 - Acquisition of Patent Rights
Patents Act 1992 - Maintenance and Dealings in Patents
Patents Act 1992 - Infringements and Remedies
Patents Act 1992 - Revocation and Proceedings before the Controller and Courts
Patents Act 1992: Voluntary and Compulsory Licences

Introduction to Copyright
The Copyright Term
Protected Works - Literary and Artistic Works
Protected Works - Neighbouring Rights, State Copyright, Performers’ Rights
The Protection of Computer Programs as Copyright Works
Ownership and Dealings in Copyright Works
Infringement of Copyright
Defences to Copyright Infringement
Remedies for Copyright Infringement
Moral Rights and the Droit de Suite
Copyright - Irish Legislative Developments in the Twentieth Century
Semiconductor Chip Protection
Industrial Designs
The Duty of Confidence
Remedies in Tort

Introduction to Trade Mark Law
Irish Trade Mark Law and International Conventions The Community Trade Mark
Trade Marks Act 1996 - Registrability
Trade Marks Act 1996: Absolute Grounds for Refusal of Registration
Trade Marks Act 1996: Relative Grounds for Refusal of Registration
Trade Marks Act 1996: Infringement and Remedies
Trade Marks Act 1996: Limitations On Rights Conferred
Trade Marks Act 1996: Registration Procedure and Ownership
Trade Marks Act 1996 - Revocation and Invalidity
Certification and Collective Marks
Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin
Taxation and Intellectual Property Rights.