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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Clinical Negligence 6th ed isbn 9781526521521

Clinical Negligence 5th ed

Edited by: Michael Powers, Anthony Barton, Barry Jackson

ISBN13: 9781780434858
New Edition ISBN: 9781526521521
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847660756
Published: August 2015
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

The fifth edition of Clinical Negligence continues to provide the most comprehensive and authoritative guidance on all aspects of clinical negligence claims, from bringing an action for damages to presenting expert evidence in court, with detailed consideration of funding and cost implications.

The work maintains its two-part structure. The first part set out in 17 chapters deals with legal aspects of medical malpractice, including complaints procedures, poor performance and medical professional governance, preparation of medical evidence, settlements and trial; with a further 25 chapters in the second part covering the risks associated with particular areas of specialist medical practice.

Key developments covered in the fifth edition include:

  • Causation in clinical negligence: Bailey v MoD (Court of Appeal 2008);
  • GMC regulatory changes as a result of secondary legislation amendments to the Medical Act 1983;
  • Costs and funding as a result of the changes brought about by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012.

Personal Injury Law, Medical Law and Bioethics
1. The Law
2. Adverse events and complaints
3. Medical professional regulation
4. NHSLA and Medical Defence organisations
5. Human rights
6. Compensation schemes
7. Funding clinical negligence claims
8. The Coroner’s inquest
9. Preparation of medical evidence on liability
10. The medical expert report and duties of the expert witness
11. The conduct of proceedings
12. Consent (including capacity)
13. Limitation of actions
14. Product liability: medicines and medical devices
15. Settlements and liabilities for costs
16. The trial
17. Investigating damages awards, periodical payments, lump sums and state benefits
18. Causation
19. Epidemiology
20. Negligence in General Practice
21. Emergency medicine
22. Intensive care medicine
23. General medicine
24. Neurology
25. Oncology
26. Psychiatry
27. Clinical radiology
28. Ophthalmology
29. General surgery
30. Anaesthesia
31. Neurosurgery
32. Spinal surgery
33. Otorhinolaryngology
34. Orthopaedics
35. Cosmetic surgery
36. Urological surgery
37. Cardio-thoracic surgery
38. Dental surgery
39. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
40. Paediatric surgery
41. Neonatology
42. Imaging for perinatal and early childhood neurological problems.