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Sport: Law and Practice 3rd ed (eBook)

Edited by: Adam Lewis, Jonathan Taylor

ISBN13: 9781780434704
Published: January 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This is the major textbook on Sports Law in the UK and consolidates guidance across all the major practice areas of interest to sports lawyers.

Written by a team of acknowledged and acclaimed experts, this comprehensive work is essential reading for solicitors and barristers practising sports law, as well as Universities, governing bodies, sports agencies, clubs and commercial firms. Practical insight from the field With numerous practical insights from the frontline, this book is full of practice tips, precedent clauses, detailed explanations of key practical issues and step-by-step analysis.

This new edition includes new chapters on: Government intervention in sport; Match-fixing and related corruption (including reference to the Bribery Act); Financial regulation; Dealing with on-field offences; Mediation/ADR in sport; Selection disputes.

Sports Law, eBooks
Governance of the Sport Sector
Government intervention in sport
Self-governance of sport: the role of the SGBs
Organisational structures for SGBs
Taxation of sports organisations
Regulating Integrity
Drug use in sport: an overview of the regulatory framework
Match-fixing and related corruption
Financial regulation
Enforcing the Rules
Disciplinary and other internal proceedings
Policing and enforcing the anti-doping rules
Dealing with on-field offences
Child protection
Challenges to the Actions of SGBs
The decision to challenge the actions of SGBs
Causes of action that form the basis for a challenge to the actions of SGBs
Forum, procedure and remedies
Court remedies and procedures on a challenge to the actions of an SGB
Arbitration in sport
The Court of Arbitration for Sport
European Community Law and Sport
European Union sports policy
EU and UK competition rules and sport
EU free movement rules and sport
Human Rights and Discrimination in Sport
The Human Rights Act 1998 and Sport
Discrimination in Sport
Player Contracts and Player Liability
Individuals' contracts with clubs, national teams and event organisers
Image Rights
Player agents
Player transfers
Tax and financial planning for individuals
Selection disputes
Civil liability arising out of participation in sport
Criminal liability arising out of participation in sport
Commercialising Sports Properties
Proprietary rights in sports events
Venues and event management
Broadcasting and new media
Merchandising and licensing