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The Employment Practitioner's Guide to Taxation 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781780434544
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847663092
Published: February 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £120.00

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The Employment Practitioner’s Guide to Taxation (previous edition titled: Taxation for Employment Specialists) is aimed specifically at the employment practitioner, answering key everyday issues that arise in the context of employment law.

It deals with the complex field of tax on employment earnings; addressing the many tax issues that face the employment practitioner in areas such as: unfair and wrongful dismissal; redundancy; sex discrimination; damages awards; termination; and, various payments.

This work will assist employment law barristers and solicitors by setting out the relevant legal principles followed by concise summaries, providing tips and traps for the reader to have in mind, and by including worked examples and precedents.

It sets out the legal principles clearly and logically with numbered paragraphs, followed by either a summary of the key principles, or an at a glance table, for example, with termination payments, a table of what the payment is for and the tax treatment.

Employment Law, Taxation
The Basic Rules
The Benefit Code
Employment status
Global mobility
Termination of employments
Compromising a claim
Disguised remuneration
IR35 – Intermediaries and Managed Service Companies
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