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World's Leading Financial and Trust Centres 2nd ed

Edited by: Angelo Venardos

ISBN13: 9781780434032
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789810860455
Published: June 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The OECD Model Tax Convention was updated in 2012, to facilitate requests for the exchange of tax information internationally. This emphasises the growing need for transparency and compliance in the administration of taxes, including international wealth investment.

This is a topical subject due to the pending introduction of US legislation concerning the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA), where every jurisdiction would be required to sign an inter-government agreement (IGA) to cooperate in combatting international tax evasion.

Practitioners therefore need to be fully versed in the business opportunities available in both onshore and offshore cross-border jurisdictions.

World’s Leading Financial and Trust Centres provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of the essentials of corporate and wealth structuring in 46 jurisdictions around the world.

Each jurisdiction is reviewed with respect to its political and socio-economic environment and the legislation affecting its offshore operations. The tax structures and types of corporations of the jurisdictions are also explored. Against this backdrop, the development of trust law and its legislation are discussed.

Each chapter is written by practitioners, regulators and other experts who have reviewed the business opportunities in these jurisdictions.

The book is aimed at personal and corporate tax and wealth planners who are mainly lawyers, accountants, investment managers, trustees, bankers and family office advisers.

Equity and Trusts, Banking and Finance, Taxation
1. Anguilla
2. Antigua and Barbuda
3. Aruba
4. Australia
5. Austria
6. Commonwealth of the Bahamas
7. Barbados
8. Belize
9. Bermuda
10. Botswana
11. British Virgin Islands (BVI)
12. Brunei Darussalam
13. Canada
14. Cayman Islands
15. China
16. Cook Islands
17. CuraÇao
18. Cyprus
19. United States: State of Delaware
20. France (Officially the French Republic)
21. Gibraltar
22. Guernsey
23. Hong Kong (Private Company)
24. Republic of India
25. Ireland
26. Isle of Man
27. Israel
28. Italy
29. Jamaica
30. Jersey
31. Labuan International Business and Financial Centre (Labuan IBFC)
32. Liechtenstein
33. Luxembourg
34. Macau
35. Madeira
36. Malaysia
37. Malta
38. Marshall Islands
39. Mauritius
40. Monaco
41. Morocco
42. The Netherlands
43. New Zealand
44. Ras Al-Khaimah
45. Republic of Panama
46. The Russian Federation
47. Saint Kitts and Nevis
48. Saint Lucia
49. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
50. Samoa
51. San Marino
52. Seychelles
53. Singapore
54. South Africa
55. Switzerland
56. Turks and Caicos Islands
57. United Kingdom
58. The Republic of Uruguay
59. Vanuatu
60. Vatican City.