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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Mediation Law and Civil Practice 2nd ed isbn 9781526506801

Mediation Law and Civil Practice

ISBN13: 9781780432137
New Edition ISBN: 9781526506801
Published: September 2013
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Mediation Law and Civil Practice is an authoritative text on the law and practice of mediation in England and Wales.

Mediation Law and Civil Practice is a practical book for lawyers, judges, academics, mediators and mediation providers alike where the law and practice relating to mediation can be found in one place, argues authoritatively and provide the stimulus for thought and innovative argument.

Mediation Law and Civil Practice discusses the law and practice rules critically so as to suggest alternative arguments, cast doubt on some decisions and to generate lateral thinking about the legal and practice issues.

Mediation Law and Civil Practice includes some comparative law and practice from other jurisdictions, especially in relation to confidentiality and privilege, referencing the Uniform Mediation Act in the US and the proposals in Ireland to introduce similar provisions.

Contents includes:

  • Settlement of civil proceedings;
  • The Civil Procedure Rules 1998 and mediation;
  • The impact of European legislation on mediation in England and Wales;
  • The status and importance of the Mediation Agreement;
  • Confidentiality and evidential privilege;
  • The Courts and ordering mediation;
  • Sanctioning refusal or failure to mediate: Halsey v Milton Keynes NHS Trust;
  • Different approaches in sanctioning failure to mediate;
  • ADR contract clauses;
  • Future reflections.

1 Mediation and civil justice: the politics of encouraging settlement
2 The status of mediation in terms of the law
3 Mediators and the law
4 Mediation and the Civil Procedure Rules 1998
5 The courts and ADR orders
6 Costs sanctions for refusing to mediate 1: the journey towards Halsey v Milton Keynes NHS Trust
7 Costs sanctions for refusing to mediate 2: the impact of Halsey
8 Contracting in advance to use ADR
9 Mediation privilege and confidentiality
10 The impact of European law on mediation in England and Wales
11 Mediation and litigation costs
12 Litigation funding and mediation
13 The Jackson reforms and the future of mediation
1 CEDR Model Mediation Agreement, 13th Edition
2 CEDR Mediation Model Procedure, 12th Edition
3 CEDR Model Settlement Agreement
4 CEDR Model Tomlin Order
5 CEDR Solve Code of Conduct for Third Party Neutrals, April 2008
6 Recommended further reading
7 List of useful websites.