Legal Practice Companion 2013 - 2014
ISBN13: 9781780432069
Published: August 2013
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print
Montagu and Weston's Legal Practice Companion, now in its 19th edition, is firmly established as the leading support title for students undertaking the Legal Practice Course and a much-valued resource for trainees and lawyers in practice.
Updated annually, the unique approach and structure of the Legal Practice Companion:
- Concisely covers all the core and compulsory LPC subjects in one accessible volume
- Presents the law and practice in a step-by-step formal
- reaks down topics in bullet points, making them easier to recall
- Uses graphics, flowcharts and checklists to explain complex areas
Makes an excellent starting point for primary source research, as case or legislation citation is included wherever possible. The
Legal Practice Companion is the perfect one-stop study guide for LPC students. It is also an invaluable resource for trainees, solicitors and legal executives seeking a single volume overview of current law and practice.