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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Fraud: A Practitioner's Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9781526528353

Fraud: A Practitioner's Handbook

ISBN13: 9781780431376
New Edition ISBN: 9781526528353
Published: September 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Fraud: A Practitioner's Handbook is a practical and essential guide to fraud and the relevant investigatory bodies. This new title in the Criminal Practice Series enhances the reader's practical understanding of fraud; how it is committed, detected, prosecuted and defended.

Fraud: A Practitioner's Handbook clearly identifies the prevalent ways in which particular types of fraud are committed and the defences thereto. Where appropriate, tables will be used to provide instantly accessible checklists of what must be proved, the means by which it is often proved, and frequently encountered issues and defences.

No other book provides practical assistance by way of indicators of prevalent fraud offences nor the way in which defendants often respond to such indicators.

Criminal Law
1. Historical approach to fraud
modern approach to Fraud (Fraud Act 2006)
2. Powers and duties of prosecutorial authorities:
Serious Fraud Office
Financial Services Authority
Trading Standards
3. Prevalent Offences:
MTIC (Missing Trader Intra community)
Boiler room
Long Firm
Advance Fee
Carbon Credit
VAT fraud
Mortgage Fraud
Land Banking Fraud
Cheating the Revenue
Conspiracy to defraud
Money laundering
Fraud Act offences
4. Common defences
5. Frequent or typical disclosure requests
6. The role of the "Preparatory Hearing" and applications for "Interlocutory Appeals"
7. Disclosure in fraud cases
8. Abuse of process in fraud
9. Civil alternatives to fraud prosecutions
10. Sentencing
11. Confiscation including civil recovery/asset tracing.