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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Disclosure of Information: Norwich Pharmacal and Related Principles 2nd ed isbn 9781526506764

Disclosure of Information: Norwich Pharmacal and Related Principles

ISBN13: 9781780431093
New Edition ISBN: 9781526506764
Published: April 2013
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Disclosure of Information: Norwich Pharmacal and Related Principles covers the origins of the jurisdiction and the key stages in its development including:-

  • the original Norwich Pharmacal case about identifying a wrongdoer to enable the victim to sue;
  • its application to asset tracing;
  • its evolution to cover any missing link and beyond;
  • as well as the (now abandoned) narrow test of necessity.
It also includes an overview of the current requirements for a successful application, which will highlight the interplay between this jurisdiction and other more familiar methods of obtaining information including: disclosure in aid of freezing injunctions; pre-action disclosure; disclosure in proceedings; witness summonses statutory and regulatory powers.

Also included is a detailed analysis of each of the key ingredients dealing with:-

  • involvement and the "mere witness" rule;
  • "necessity", including the purpose for which the information is required;
  • discretion, including factors such as confidentiality
  • and the availability of alternative avenues.
There are worked examples of when and how the jurisdiction has been invoked in practice in order to give context to the requirements and an analysis of the extent of the information that can be obtained.

Courts and Procedure
1. Introduction
2. Overview
3. Background to the Norwich Pharmacal case
4. The Norwich Pharmacal case
5. Full Information to assist the victim of fraud: Bankers Trust
6. Extending Norwich Pharmacal
7. Wrongdoing
8. Involvement
9. Necessity
10. Discretion and Scope of Relief
11. Common Objections
12. Procedural considerations
13. Modern applications
14. Extra-territorial scope
15. Related jurisdictions
16. International arbitration
17. Where next for Norwich Pharmacal?