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Ong on Rescission

ISBN13: 9781760020361
Published: November 2015
Publisher: The Federation Press
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Hardback
Price: £59.99

Despatched in 10 to 12 days.

Ong on Rescission is Professor Denis SK Ong’s fifth treatise in the field of equity. With its rigorous, yet accessible, approach to this complex area of law Ong on Rescission is a perfect supplement to his earlier acclaimed works: Trusts Law in Australia (now in its 4th edition), Ong on Equity, Ong on Specific Performance and Ong on Subrogation.

The text offers a thorough study of rescission ab initio both at common law and in equity. As in his earlier works, the book offers a succinct exposition of all the key relevant principles of law, facilitated by a careful, and on occasion critical, analysis of all the leading authorities. To assist the reader, the essential passages of judgments under consideration are reproduced.

Contract Law, Equity and Trusts, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes

1. Types of Rescission
2. Rescission Ab Initio: Restitutio in Integrum at Common Law compared with Restitutio in Integrum in Equity
3. Equity’s Concurrent and Exclusive Jurisdiction in Relation to Rescission Ab Initio
4. Intention-based Election and Estoppel-based Election
5. Third Party Interests
6. Partial Rescission
7. Executed Contracts
8. Grounds for Rescission


Series: Ong on:

Ong on Contribution ISBN 9781760020736
Published November 2016
The Federation Press
Ong on Subrogation ISBN 9781862879799
Published November 2014
The Federation Press
Ong on Specific Performance ISBN 9781862879317
Published August 2013
The Federation Press
Ong on Equity ISBN 9781862878433
Published December 2011
The Federation Press