The Historical Foundations of the Law Relating to Trade-Marks. was originally published by Columbia University Press in 1925 and reprinted in 1999 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
What is the exact nature of the right to a trademark? What is the basis of relief in trademark cases of unfair competition? Schechter unravels these problems as he traces the development of the law of trademarks from medieval times to the early twentieth century.
"Mr. Schechter has turned up much interesting and hitherto unpublished material concerning the use of guild and artisans' marks in the Middle Ages in England. His chapter (V) on The Development of Trade Mark Law in the Cutlery Trades is particularly valuable and contains matter not before in print. It makes understandable the reference to registers of the cutlers' companies in the English Trade Marks Act of 1875.
Frank Isaac Schechter [1890-1937] received the first doctor of jurisprudence degree given by Columbia University. He was a practicing attorney and authority on trademark law.