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International Antitrust Law & Policy: Fordham Competition Law 2017

Edited by: James Keyte

ISBN13: 9781578235223
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781578235049
Published: May 2018
Publisher: Juris Publishing
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardcover
Price: Out of print

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This volume contains the proceedings and papers of the Forty-Fourth Annual Fordham Competition Law Institute, including the third annual economics workshop. In addition, the Institute introduced a global practitioners workshop, conducted under the Chatham House Rule, that explored protectionism and national interest in merger enforcement as well as patent licensing in a multijurisdictional environment.

About the Proceedings:

Every October the Fordham Competition Law Institute brings together leading figures from governmental organizations, leading international law firms and corporations and academia to examine and analyze the most important issues in international antitrust and trade policy of the United States, the EU and the world. This work is the most definitive and comprehensive annual analysis of international antitrust law and policy available anywhere.

The chapters are revised and updated before publication, where necessary. As a result, the reader receives up-to-date practical tips and important analyses of difficult policy issues. The annual volumes are an indispensable guide through the sea of international antitrust law.

The Fordham Competition Law Proceedings are acknowledged as the most definitive US/EU annual analyses of antitrust/competition law published.

Each annual edition sets out to explore and analyze the areas of antitrust/competition law that have had the most impact in that year. Recent "hot topics" include antitrust enforcement in Asia, Latin America: competition enforcement in the areas of telecommunications, media and information technology.

All of the chapters raise questions of policy or discuss new developments and assess their significance and impact on antitrust and trade policy.

Series: Fordham Competition Law Institute Proceedings

International Antitrust Law & Policy: Fordham Competition Law 2009
Edited by: Barry Hawk
ISBN 9781578232659
Published March 2010
Juris Publishing
Out of print