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Women and International Human Rights: 2

ISBN13: 9781571050922
ISBN: 1571050922
Published: July 2002
Publisher: Transnational Publishers, Inc
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Addresses women's human rights in the practical context of international courts, legal instruments, and global and regional organizations. A thorough description of international criminal law and women's human rights in the jurisprudence of permanent international tribunals (including the new International Criminal Court) leads to a dialogue on how women's rights ought to be conceived and implemented. Coverage continues with analyses of various human rights and women's rights legal instruments, and ways in which international organizations (such as the WHO, IACHR, and CIM) have helped or hindered sensitivity to women's rights issues. Finally, select regional and cultural problems are examined, including cultural relativism, contemporary forms of female slavery, commercial sex workers in Asia and elsewhere, stove burning, acid-throwing, mail order brides, child marriages, and fatwa.