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International Law and World Order: Basic Documents Looseleaf

Edited by: Burns H. Weston, Jonathan C. Carlson

ISBN13: 9781571050250
ISBN: 1571050256
Published: December 1994
Publisher: Transnational Publishers, Inc
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Looseleaf
Price: Out of print

Here in one place are all the significant documentary sources of international law. Arranged according to the categories in which international law has developed, the instruments are drawn from the declarations, resolutions, statutes and conventions of organizations both global and regional, as well as from multilateral treaties.

The categorical divisions and subdivisions make it easy for a student, lawyer or paralegal to find all the international law instruments that might affect a particular case or problem. Within subdivisions, documents are ordered geographically and chronologically, and dependent instruments appear together with their parent instruments.

International Law and World Order is the only collection of its kind available anywhere. Easy to use and wide ranging, its looseleaf format and regular supplementation make it easy to update. The set is particularly valuable - and economical - for law libraries, as providing access to the important materials it contains by other means would involve the purchase of dozens, perhaps hundreds, of hard-to-find, expensive volumes, and then remaining alert for updating.

International Law and World Order and its automatic regular supplementation provide everything necessary to research international law documentary sources, including new and newly amended instruments.

Looseleaf Work
Volume 1 Constitutive/organic: international organizations (global); international organizations (regional); multistate commonwealths; intergovernmental relations; treaties; state/governmental succession; state responsibility; conflict resolution/dispute settlement; aspirational; appendices. Volume 2 War/peace: non-use of force/non-intervention; conduct of hostilities; arms control/disarmament; peace, security and cooperation; war crimes/crimes against humanity; aspirational; appendices. Volume 3 Human rights/social justice: International Bill of Human Rights; regional human rights regimes; women's rights; rights of the child; rights of disabled persons; rights of indigenous peoples; refugees, asylum, statelessness; slavery, forced labour; non-discrimination; war crimes/crimes against humanity; personal security, torture; terrorism; administration of justice; right to food; right to employment; right to education and culture; right to self-determination; right to development; right to peace; enforcement of human rights; miscellaneous; aspirational; appendices. Volumes 4 and 4a Trade/development: institutions/organizations (global); institutions/organizations (regional); trade; development/finance/investment; licensing/intellectual property/technology transfer; new international economic order; conflict resolution/dispute settlement; aspirational; appendices. Volumes 5 and 5a Earth/space environment: institutions/organizations; general environment (global); general environment (regional); Antarctica; atmosphere/space; hydrosphere; lithosphere; biosphere
particular activities/threats; accountability/responsibility; aspirational; appendices.