No prior legal knoowledge is necessary to understand this text which examines how the predjudice often held against HIV / AIDS sufferers has had its impact on virtually every area of the law.;This book is written specifically for those interest in the legal aspects of AIDS, but who have no professional legal training. It strives to relate how AIDS and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have effected various legal issues. Discrimination is a factor which permeates this subject, and the legal profession is no exception; the author examines how such prejudice now impacts on virtually every traditional area of law.;Specific cases are presented in areas where the law has already dealt with AIDS issues, including education, employment, insurance, family law, housing, quarantine, public accommodations, the military, immigration, testing issues, prisons, and torts. Written for the lay-person, this text should be extremely useful to anyone involved in a legal relationship concerning AIDS, HIV or related medical concerns.