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Constitutional Fracture: How Brexit Revealed Deep Fault-Lines in the British Constitution

ISBN13: 9781529245646
To be Published: September 2025
Publisher: Bristol University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £40.00

This book presents cutting-edge analysis of one of the most significant constitutional crises in recent British history: the prolonged and intense struggle between government and parliament for control over Brexit. It argues the crisis was very largely caused by the emergence of an Executive-centric approach to governance it dubs ‘Whitehall Plus’, and the strong parliamentary-push back it both provoked and responded to.

The book shows how the crisis exposed and widened deep fault-lines running through core doctrines and practices of the British constitution – profound disagreements long held unresolved and in abeyance, but which exploded into high-octane conflict during the period.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, Brexit
1. Divergent Views on the Relationship Between Executive and Parliament
2. Government Control of the Business of the House of Commons
3. The Brexit Crisis in Four Acts
4. Constitutional Fracture Instantiated
5. Conclusion