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Labour Law and the Person: An Agenda for Social Justice

ISBN13: 9781529223163
Published: July 2024
Publisher: Bristol University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £85.99

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This book aims to revitalise the link between social justice and labour law through exploring the issue of personhood and the ‘subject’ of the law.

Rodgers argues that incorporating a more ‘relational’ notion of self into labour law not only provides a fresh normative perspective through which to evaluate existing labour laws, but will also make us more able to respond to labour market ‘shocks’ and labour market evolution and change into the future. It is only by embedding relationality into our law that can we really respect the humanity of workers and construct a legal framework through which social justice can be achieved at work.

Employment Law, Law and Society
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Labour Law and the Concept of Personhood.
Chapter 3: Labour Law and Feminist Approaches to Personhood and Social Justice
Chapter 4: The Worker and the Person
Chapter 5: Relationality and Collective Personhood
Chapter 6: The Challenge of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 7: AI, Technology and Work
Chapter 8: Conclusions