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Children and Criminal Law in Ireland

ISBN13: 9781526527240
To be Published: January 2026
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional (Ireland)
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Paperback
Price: £144.00

Navigating the area of child criminal law can be difficult for practitioners and this title comprehensively deals with the legal issues applicable to child defendants. The main legislation covering children and the criminal justice system is the Children Act 2001. The Act deals with preventing criminal behaviour, diversion from the criminal justice system and rehabilitation.

For practitioners representing children prosecuted for criminal offences, this title is a necessity in your library with comprehensive covering of the 2001 Act, recent jurisprudence and frequently occurring legal issues such as delay, ageing out and other topics such as Section 75 jurisdictional hearings, anonymity among minors and the Juvenile Diversion Programme.

Irish Law
Chapter 1 – The Child
- Introduction
- Age of Criminal Responsibility
- Special directions

Chapter 2 – The Juvenile Diversion Programme
- The Programme and objective
- Admission to the Programme and preconditions
- Decision to admit to Programme
- Juvenile caution
- Inadmissibility of certain evidence

Chapter 3 – Criminal Investigations and the Treatment of Child Suspects
- Treatment of child suspects

Chapter 4 – The Children's Court
- Informality
- Legal Aid
- Bail
- Family Conference and Family Welfare Conference
- Role and requirements of parent/guardian
- Powers of the Court
- Service of Book of Evidence
- Sending forward on a guilty plea
- Role of Probation and Welfare Service

Chapter 5 – Section 75 Jurisdictional hearing
- 'Section 75 hearing'
- Sending forward for trial on indictment

Chapter 6 – Trial on Indictment
- Evidence of a child under 14 years
- Special measures
- Intermediary
- Offences required to be heard before the Central Criminal Court

Chapter 7 – Anonymity
- Anonymity and juveniles
- Anonymity and aged out offenders
- Anonymity and child victims
- Expunging of criminal record

Chapter 8 – Sentencing Juveniles
-Relevance of age
-Probation and Welfare Report
-Detention as a last resort
-Community sanctions
-Deferred Detention
-Detention Supervision Order
-Non Applicability of Suspended Sentences
-Life imprisonment for juveniles
-Oberstown Detention Centre

Chapter 9 – Delay and ageing out
-Duty of Expedition
-Alternative remedies
-Delay and historic sexual offences

Chapter 10 – Child Victims
- Section 16 Criminal Evidence Act 1992
- Intermediary