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Fransman's British Nationality Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9781526512963
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781845920951
Published: November 2024
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £395.00

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Written by the recognised world authority on the subject, this title remains the definitive work on British nationality law.

Includes the following updates:

  • Changes to primary legislation as regards deprivation of citizenship and registration as a British citizen
  • Changes to secondary legislation including Nationality Instructions being replaced by the Nationality Guidance, and the Immigration Rules which now contain provisions for a Statelessness Determination Procedure
  • Updated case law surrounding statelessness and possession of nationality
  • European Union citizenship, international standards and principles of nationality law, both in the European region and globally.

Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
Part I. Nationality at state, European Union and international levels
1. Principles of Nationality Law
2. International Sources of Nationality Law
3. Overview of the Evolved British Structure in its Contemporary European Context
Part II. British subjects to British citizens
Section A British nationality law prior to 1983
4. Introduction: preliminary concepts and 'status tracing'
5. The law prior to 1915: the statute De natis ultra mare (1350) to the Naturalization Acts (1870–1895)
6. The law between 1914 and 1949
7. The law between 1948 and 1983: introduction and the re-classification of British subjects
8. The law between 1948 and 1983: the acquisition and loss rules
9. The law between 1948 and 1983: separate development of the right of abode
Section B British nationality law since 1983
10. The law from 1983: the British Nationality Act 1981 and later Acts: the reclassification on commencement, subsequent developments and the fate of partiality
11. The new regime in force from 1 January 1983: new categories, automatic reclassification, the revision of patriality and retention of the royal prerogative
12. Overview of the treatment since 1983 of Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands, Hong Kong and other British overseas territories
13. The different qualities of residence for the purposes of the British Nationality Act 1981
14. Acquisition of British citizenship: birth, abandonment and adoption
15. Acquisition of British citizenship: descent
16. Acquisition of British citizenship: naturalisation
17. Acquisition of British citizenship: registration
18. Acquisition of British citizenship: incorporation/annexation of territory
19. Loss and resumption of British citizenship and loss of the right of abode
20. Acquisition and loss of British overseas territories citizenship, British Overseas citizenship, British subject status under BNA 1981, British protected person status, British National (Overseas) status and Commonwealth citizenship
21. Claiming that British citizenship or the right of abode has been acquired by operation of law
22. Making application for naturalisation, registration, renunciation, a certificate of entitlement or confirmation of status
23. Appealing (or otherwise challenging) rejected claims and refused applications
24. Passports and prerogative, Protection and Travel Documents
25. Statelessness
Part III. Catalogues
A. Mini-catalogues according to type of territory
B. The British catalogue
C. The European Union catalogue
1. Treaties and other international instruments
2. Statutes
3. General statutory instruments
4. Statistics