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Woods and Andrews on Liquor Licensing Laws 5th ed

ISBN13: 9781526511591
To be Published: April 2026
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional (Ireland)
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Hardback
Price: £180.00

Woods and Andrews on Liquor Licensing Laws offers comprehensive analysis, with a strong focus on practical matters and advice for professionals making applications before the Circuit and District Court along with Revenue licensing applications. This title is invaluable to legal practitioners, as well as Gardaí, local authorities and those working in the hospitality sector.

Licensing applications account for 12% of all matters that come before the District Court. The licensing code, as it is generally called, embraces a multitude of provisions contained in the Licensing Acts, statutes dealing with the Revenue Commissioners, illicit distillation, and the registration of clubs. Anomalies abound throughout the patchwork of statutes which constitute this code.

This practitioner-friendly title lays out each topic in an easily accessible manner, and includes the following:

  • The practice and procedure requirements relating to an application for a certificate leading to the issue of an intoxicating liquor licence before the Court
  • A "proofs" checklist section to assist practitioners when bringing applications before the Court
  • An extensive precedents section
  • A section dealing with the grant of licences that do not require a Court certificate, which includes practical information to assist practitioners in advising clients on the character and nature of such licences and Revenue requirements leading to the grant of same

All updated statutory requirements are set out along with the relevant court rules which must be followed. This Fifth Edition has been updated to reflect the many legislative developments in this area. These include changes in trading hours, the abolition of rateable valuation requirements, and the changes in hotel registration criteria. Along with this, the title also covers the creation of producer's retail licence for distilleries and breweries with visitor centres, as well as The Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018 and its provisions for labeling, pricing, advertising and restriction of sales.

Irish Law
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes

Part I. General Provisions relating to the Licence, the Licence Holder and Premises Licensed for Retail Sale of Intoxicating Liquor
Part II. Jurisdiction, Court Practice and Procedure under the Licensing Acts generally
Part III. Exemption Orders, Occasional Licences
Part IV. Entertainments on Licensed Premises
Part V. Licensed Restaurants
Part VI. Renewal and Transfer of Licenses
Part VII. Grant of Certificates for New Off-Licences by District Court
Part VIII. Grant of Licences for Public Houses
Part IX. Grant and Operation of Licences for Certain Premises, Institutions, Vehicles, Vessels without Court Certificates
Part X. Clubs
