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Pease, Chitty and Cousins: Law of Markets and Fairs 7th ed

ISBN13: 9781526511287
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847667427
Published: November 2020
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £190.00

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Containing in-depth commentary and analysis on the history of market and fair rights together with current developments in the law relating to franchise and statutory markets in the UK, this is the leading authority covering this complex area of law in the UK. Concentrating on certain aspects of practice and procedure, it provides practical guidance for local government and land law practitioners in the UK and Ireland, local authorities and private market officers.

Offering legal analysis of all relevant UK and European legislation and case law, coverage includes:

  • practice and procedure in relation to rival markets and car boot sales by use of the tort of disturbance
  • UK reguklation and control by means of byelaws, street trading and the laws relating to pedlars, tolls and stallage, and highway obstruction
  • the law of markets, fairs and street trading in the Republic of Ireland

    This new edition also provides a practical toolkit of model byelaws and precedents for market officers and local authorities as well as analysis of EU implications post Brexit.

Local Government Law
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Creation and Acquisition of Markets and Fairs
Chapter 3: The Market Place and the Place for Holding Fairs
Chapter 4: The Days and Hours for Holding Markets and Fairs
Chapter 5: Toll and Stallage
Chapter 6: Disturbance
Chapter 7: Sales in Markets and Fairs
Chapter 8: Forfeiture and Extinction of Markets and Fairs
Chapter 9: Regulation, Administration and Control
Chapter 10: Accounts, Rates and Taxes
Chapter 11: Practice, Procedure and Evidence
Chapter 12: The Irish Dimension
Chapter 13: Scotland
Chapter 14: Public Law
Chapter 15: Practical Toolkit