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A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Partnership Law 7th ed isbn 9781526530387

Partnership Law 6th ed

ISBN13: 9781526508423
New Edition ISBN: 9781526530387
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781780438207
Published: May 2020
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £405.00

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Partnership Law, 6th edition provides up to date answers to all questions which can arise on the formation, operation and dissolution of such partnerships and which can arise in disputes between parties, ex-partners and outsiders.

Fully revised and updated this new edition will include coverage of:

  • The introduction of the Private Fund Limited Partnership (PFLP) in 2017
  • Application of discrimination law in the context of partnerships/LLPs: Seldon v Clarkson, Wright and Jakes; Tiffin v Lester Aldridge LLP; Bates v van Winklehof
  • Interpretation of partnership agreements, what amount to partnership assets and how they should be valued, in the context of the retirement or buy-out of a former partner: Drake v Harvey; Ham v Ham; Ham v Bell
  • The role, if any, of the doctrine of repudiation in the context of partnerships (Golstein v Bishop) and LLPs (Flanagan v Liontrust Management LLP)
  • What nature of “business” may constitute a partnership (Bhatti v HMRC)
  • Impact of changes made to the insolvency regime (including the Insolvency Rules 2016) on insolvency of partnerships and LLPs
Written specifically with the practitioner in mind, Partnership Law is the 'go to' text for any practitioner working in this complex area of law.

Partnership Law
Chapter 1: Partnership in general
Chapter 2: Whether there is a partnership and whether a person is a partner
Chapter 3: Capacity
Chapter 4: Illegality
Chapter 5: Holding out
Chapter 6: Sub-partnerships and group partnerships
Chapter 7: The partnership agreement
Chapter 8: Partnership assets and liabilities
Chapter 9: Partnership capital and partners' capital
Chapter 10: The partnership share
Chapter 11: The duty of good faith
Chapter 12: Internal management
Chapter 13: Discrimination
Chapter 14: Internal partnership dispute
Chapter 15: Remedies between partners
Chapter 16: Dissolution, retirement and expulsion without court order
Chapter 17: Dissolution by court order
Chapter 18: The effect of dissolution and retirement
Chapter 19: The firm and outsiders
Chapter 20: How partners bear the firm's liabilities
Chapter 21: Litigation by and against outsiders
Chapter 22: Insolvency – winding up and similar procedures
Chapter 23: The insolvent firm's debts
Chapter 24: Limited partnerships
Chapter 25: Limited liability partnerships
Appendix A: Partnership Act 1890
Appendix B: Limited Partnership Act 1907
Appendix C: Limited Partnerships (Forms) Rules 2009
Appendix D: Company, Limited Liability Partnership and Business Names (Sensitive Words and Expressions)