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Vulnerable Witnesses within Family and Criminal Proceedings: Protections, Safeguards and Sanctions

ISBN13: 9781526507235
Published: August 2019
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £80.00

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Vulnerable Witnesses within Family and Criminal Proceedings: Protections, Safeguards and Sanctions addresses both the legal consideration with respect to vulnerable people being able to provide evidence in proceedings, and the protections and special measures available not only while proceedings are ongoing but also both pre- and post-proceedings, including anonymity and protective orders.

The main focus of the book is to give direct information as to the legislation, regulations and authorities which govern the treatment and examination of parties and witnesses who have difficulty understanding the cases in which they are involved. It provides practical guidance, helpful suggestions and a broad overview of likely improvements as practitioners become used to this new form of advocacy and representation.

It is a one-stop practitioners' manual giving a general summary of the rights of witnesses and the duties of advocates in general, but also concentrates on the newly emerging approaches to witnesses and parties who are “vulnerable” by reason of age (children); emotional, psychological or psychiatric difficulty (all people); or circumstances (victims or witnesses in cases of organised or terrorist crime, domestic abuse or sexual offences).

At the end of each chapter is a short quiz allowing the book to be used as part of the CPD requirements for both solicitors and barristers.

Criminal Law, Family Law, Courts and Procedure
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Duties of advocates re code of conduct
Chapter 3: Pre-proceedings/investigation stage
Chapter 4: Commencement of proceedings – the initial stages
Chapter 5: Intermediaries and Ground rules hearing
Chapter 6: Other pre-giving evidence consideration for vulnerable witnesses
Chapter 7: The Official Solicitor
Chapter 8: Trial/fact finding hearings
Chapter 9: Post criminal trial or fact finding/final hearing
Chapter 10: Post-proceedings
Chapter 11: Potential future developments
Appendix: Precedents and forms