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Adoption Law:
A Practical Guide 2nd ed

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Child Protection and the Family Court: What you Need to Know 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781526505972
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781846611889
Published: January 2019
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £90.00

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Child Care and Adoption Law: A Practical Guide an established, invaluable, guide to the complex area of public child law with a focus on providing a clear and practical explanation of the law and procedure with an examination of the key cases and an emphasis on fact-based examples.

Fully updated and revised, the third edition builds on its predecessors following the bedding in of various changes in law including the creation of the Family Law Court, the introduction of further provisions in the Public Law Outline and the further development of case law and practice.

Key changes since the last edition that are covered include:

  • The creation of the Family Court in 2014
  • The introduction of the Public Law Outline and the 26-week 'time limit' for care proceedings
  • The introduction of the Child Arrangements Programme for private law
  • Significant case law developments in a number of areas, including in particular the court's approach to decision-making in cases involving adoption/ placement for adoption (with consideration of the Supreme Court decision in Re B [2013] UKSC 33 and Re B-S [2013] EWCA Civ 1146), and in the approach to be taken when the child or parents are nationals of a foreign country
  • Development of case law and guidance in cases involving 'radicalisation'
  • A new chapter on Special Guardianship which will be of particular interest to those (eg grandparents) who find themselves involved in legal proceedings but without access to legal aid
  • More extensive use of diagrams, charts, etc in order to widen the book's appeal to a broader audience including social workers, teachers and medical professionals as well as junior/non-specialist lawyers.

Family Law, Mental Health Law
Chapter 1: Child protection and adoption - Introduction
Chapter 2: Parental responsibility ad disputes between parents
Chapter 3: Local authorities and the family
Chapter 4: Referrals, assessments and emergency intervention
Chapter 5: Care and supervision orders
Chapter 6: Special Guardianship
Chapter 7: Adoption
Chapter 8: Secure accommodation
Chapter 9: Wardship and the inherent jurisdiction
Chapter 10: Challenging the local authority