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VAT in the Gulf: An Introduction

ISBN13: 9781526503350
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Publication Abandoned

VAT in the Gulf: An Introduction is an easy to follow guide to the concept of VAT and how and where it applies in the GCC countries.

The GCC countries' economies are dominated by the revenue provided by oil and as such can be affected by fluctuations in demand (and the price) of petroleum. The governments of these countries have been looking at introducing taxes as a way of generating further revenue. VAT will be the first of these with introduction across the GCC countries being expected from January 2018 and with all six countries expected to be compliant by 1 January 2019.

The GCC countries are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman. This book provides an introduction to VAT for the tax paying public and businesses in the GCC countries and includes examples, flowcharts and diagrams to illustrate the points made.

The book is published in English and has a glossary of key terms in both English and Arabic. The authors are a team of indirect tax experts from Deloitte in the UAE, headed by Justin Whitehouse and Thomas Vanhee.

Other Jurisdictions , Taxation, Middle East
1. Introduction into Taxation and VAT
2. VAT in the GCC
3. The Five W's (Who – What – When etc.)
4. Taxable persons
5. Kind of transactions covered
6. Where is the transaction located
7. Value of the transactions
8. VAT Rates
Outside the Scope
9. Liability to pay VAT
10. VAT Registration
Registration Requirements, threshold, etc.
VAT Grouping
11. VAT Compliance Requirements
12. VAT in Depth - VAT Scenarios & Sectors Analysis
Sectors impact (Retail, Digital economy, Real Estate, FS, oil & gas)