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Corporate Insolvency and Rescue 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781526502346
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847663795
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional (Ireland)
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

Corporate Insolvency and Rescue, Third Edition provides a full description and analysis of Irish corporate insolvency law, comprehensively updated from the publication of the second edition of this text in 2012 to the present. In particular, it is updated to the Companies Act 2014, which has transformed company law in Ireland.

The book provides detailed consideration of the law relating to all insolvency processes and corporate restructuring, including examinership, receivership and winding-up. It examines the rights and liabilities of the parties involved in the winding-up process - company directors, shareholders, and secured and unsecured creditors - and also addresses the issue of fraudulent and reckless trading.

The third edition is a user-friendly guide for busy insolvency practitioners to this complex and evolving area of law with up to date analysis of legal developments in the field of corporate insolvency and rescue.

Irish Law
Chapter 1: Context
Chapter 2: Cross-Border Insolvencies, EU Regulations, Harmonisations and UNCITRAL
Chapter 3: Winding Up
Chapter 4: Winding Up: Procedural and Practical Considerations
Chapter 5: Liquidators' Powers and Duties
Chapter 6: Priority of Creditors' Claims
Chapter 7: Creditors' Remedies
Chapter 8: Fraudulent and Reckless Trading
Chapter 9: Directors' Disqualification and Restriction
Chapter 10: An Introduction to Corporate Rescue: Formal and Informal Processes
Chapter 11: Receivership
Chapter 12: Issues in Receivership
Chapter 13: Examinership - Part I
Chapter 14: Examinership - Part II
Chapter 15: Schemes of Arrangement and Other Forms of Rescue