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Held in Contempt: What's Wrong With the House of Commons? (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781526156686
Published: April 2022
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £12.99
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Parliament, and the House of Commons in particular, is increasingly held in contempt by the British public. From attending parties during the Covid-19 lockdown to taking payment for lobbying, MPs undermine their credibility by acting as if the rules they set for others should not apply to them. Still far from representative of the country they govern from the ancient and crumbling Palace of Westminster, MPs appear detached from the lives led by their constituents - conducting their business according to rules and procedures that have become too complex for many of them to understand.

Hannah White offers a perceptive critique of the shortcomings of the House of Commons, arguing that the reputation of the Commons is in a downward spiral - compounded by government attempts to side-line parliament during Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic. At a time of populist challenge to representative democracy, this book is an essential rallying cry for Members of Parliament to reform the House of Commons - equipping it to fulfil its important role as a cornerstone of our democracy - or see it fade into irrelevance.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, eBooks
1. Side-lined
2. Unrepresentative
3. Arcane
4. Exceptionalist
5. Decaying
Conclusion: A parliament to be proud of