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Socio-Legal Trajectories Across Europe: Comparative Perspectives

Edited by: Christian Boulanger, Naomi Creutzfeldt, Jennifer Hendry

ISBN13: 9781509982622
To be Published: June 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

This collection explores the development of socio-legal/law and society approaches within and across Europe, focusing self-reflexively on academic and legal cultures, institutions, kinship, and scholarly agency.

What makes a socio-legal approach socio-legal? How does it differ across legal cultures, countries, or regions? How do scholarly identities develop and change in academia's places, spaces, and contexts? This collection features contributions from socio-legal scholars who engage in a critical examination of their own work. They delve into the underlying motivations behind their research questions, as well as the methods and theories they employ. This process involves reflecting on these aspects within the broader legal and academic landscape in which they operate, taking into account their personal journeys and the historical trajectories of their research fields. The chapters not only contextualise individual socio-legal research within intellectual, institutional, and political frameworks but also explore national and transnational developments, influences, networks, and conversations.

With an emphasis on exploring the link between contextual structures and scholarly agency, underpinned by self-reflection, the contributions provide a fresh and fascinating comparative perspective on contemporary socio-legal studies.

Comparative Law
1. Introduction, Boulanger, Creutzfeldt, and Hendry
2. The Comeback of Law: Theoretical Foundations and Research Traditions of Socio-Legal Studies in Poland after 1989, Marta Bucholc (University of Warsaw, Poland)
3. Socio-Legal Studies in Contemporary Hungarian Legal Scholarship. Successes and Challenges, Balázs Fekete, (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
4. 'Only Connect': the Migrant Origins and Global Future of UK Socio-Legal Studies, John Harrington (Cardiff Law School, UK)
5. At the Crossroads. A Socio-Analytic Perspective on Methods and Theories, Liora Israël (The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France)
6. “Interdisciplinary Labour Law Studies”: from Critical Legal Studies to Socio-Legal Studies, and Back Again, Eva Kocher (Europa-Universität Viadrina, Germany)
7. On the Matter of the Law and Socio-Legal Identifications, Revital Madar (European University Institute, Italy)
8. Interconnected Scandinavian Socio-Legal Trajectories, Ole Hammerslev (Lund University, Sweden)
9. Socio-legal Scholarship in the Western Balkans Region, Samir Foric (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
10. Interlocking Lives, Interlocking Theories: The Evolving Understandings of Law in Latin America and Southern Europe, Francisca Pou Jimenez (ITAM, Mexico)
11. Interviewing Scholars: Some Methodological and Comparative Reflections, Julika Botschek and Finn Haberkost (Max Planck Institute, Germany)