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Sustaining Access to Justice: New Avenues for Costs and Funding

Edited by: Xandra Kramer, Masood Ahmed, Adriani Dori, María Carlota Ucín

ISBN13: 9781509981670
To be Published: June 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

This book explores the complex landscape of costs and funding of civil justice.

Access to civil justice continues to be undermined by State retrenchment of legal aid budgets, increases in procedural costs, the complexity of court procedures, and severe delays in the dispensation of justice. This has resulted in a shift from public to private funding of civil litigation, and the emergence of new business models and forms of private justice.

The book explores the dynamic landscape of legal costs and financing from 3 perspectives: regulatory frameworks in public and private funding; new trends and challenges in contemporary legal financing; and the transformative potential of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and online dispute resolution (ODR) procedures to streamline civil justice processes and expand access to justice.

By addressing the intersectionality of legal, economic, political, market and social dynamics, the book helps readers gain a better understanding of the inherent complexity of costs, funding, and their implications for access to justice.

This timely resource offers academics, policymakers, and practitioners valuable insights into the dynamics that shape the current state and future prospects of civil justice in Europe to help create sustainable pathways for improved access to justice.

Courts and Procedure
1. Costs and Funding: The Quest for Access to Justice
Xandra Kramer (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Masood Ahmed (University of Leicester, UK), Adriani Dori (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), and Maria Carlota Ucin (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Part I: Public and Private Funding of Civil Justice – Regulatory Perspectives
2. Third-Party Funding as a Vehicle for Access to Justice: A Sustainable Avenue or a Dead End?
Alan Uzelac (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
3. The Regulation of Litigation Funding in Europe: An Application of Principal-Agent Theory
Adrian Cordina (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
4. Trends in Funding of Collective Litigation
Maria José Azar-Baud (Paris-Saclay University, France)
5. Justice for a Price: Funders, Fees, and the Representative Actions Directive
Eduardo Silva de Freitas (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Part II: New Trends and Challenges in Contemporary Legal Finance
6. The Private Funding of Litigation: The Case of Crowdfunding in England and Wales
Rachael Mulheron KC (Hon) (Queen Mary University of London/Competition Appeal Tribunal)
7. The German Litigation Funding Market's Black Swan Event: Take-Aways from a New World of Litigation Funding and Legal Services Provision
David Markworth (University of Cologne, Germany)
8. Dispute Funding in Sweden – Old System and New Trends
Eva Storskrubb (Uppsala University, Sweden)
9. Wet and Dry Under One Umbrella: The Interplay Between Funding Opportunities and Litigation Strategies in the Dutch Collective Actions Field
Jos Hoevenaars (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)
10. ESG and Litigation Funding – Tied at the Hip? A Practitioners View
Thomas Kohlmeier (Nivalion, Senior Advisory Partner Germany) and Marcel Wegmüller (Nivalion, CEO)
11. No Such Thing as a Free… Lawsuit? Some Thoughts on Public Interest Litigation and Lessons from the United States
Magdalena Tulibacka (Emory University School of Law, USA)
12. The Uses and Abuses of Disclosure of Litigation Finance in US Law
Anthony Sebok (Cardozo School of Law, USA)

Part III: Beyond Litigation: Cost-Effective Strategies for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Online Dispute Resolution
13. ADR, Mandatory Consumer Mediation and the Impact on Civil Litigation
Stefaan Voet (KU Leuven, Belgium)
14. Fostering ADR Without the Stick of High Litigation Costs: The Cases of Italian and Turkish ADR Reforms
Fatma Arslan (University of Warwick, UK)
15. Revisiting 'Mandatory Mediation: An Oxymoron?: Advancing Access to Civil Justice through Mandatory ADR
Dorcas Quek Anderson (Singapore Management University)
16. The Promising Potential of Online Mediation to Reduce Financial Barriers to Access Justice: A Case Study into Online Mediation in the Netherlands
Emma van Gelder (Utrecht University, Netherlands)

Series: Civil Justice Systems

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Delivering Collective Redress: New Technologies ISBN 9781509918546
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Redress Schemes for Personal Injuries (eBook) ISBN 9781509916634
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Redress Schemes for Personal Injuries ISBN 9781509916610
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Consumer ADR in Europe (eBook) ISBN 9781847319425
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