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Major Cases in Climate Law: A Critical Introduction

ISBN13: 9781509980314
Published: February 2025
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

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Climate change is one of the great problems facing humanity; this book introduces readers to major rulings from around the world that centre on climate change as a core focus.

In addition to including general considerations, discussion, and analysis of major climate cases, the book engages with specific case studies. A range of major rulings from around the world are examined in detail: The Heathrow Runway Case (UK); The Urgenda Case (Netherlands); The Colombian Amazon Case (Colombia); The Centre for Oil Pollution Watch Case (Nigeria); The Gloucester Resources Case (Australia); Climate Case Ireland (Ireland). The reader is taken through relevant facts, issues, law and commentary pertinent to each case, and a clear, critical and evaluative account of each ruling is provided.

Climate law has emerged more recently than many other established branches of law, yet it is fast becoming one of the most discussed and studied areas of law around the world. This introduction to important cases in the area is essential reading for students, lawyers, and researchers engaged with climate law and policy in educational and practical settings.

Environmental Law
Foreword, The Honourable Justice Brian Preston (Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, Australia)
1. Major Cases in Climate Law
2. United Kingdom: The Heathrow Runway Case
3. The Netherlands: The Urgenda Case
4. Colombia: The Colombian Amazon Case
5. Nigeria: The Centre for Oil Pollution Watch Case
6. Australia: The Gloucester Resources Case
7. Ireland: Climate Case Ireland
8. Conclusions